We are all aware of the fact that excessive heat can damage any electronics components. But do you know, during the winter months, as the temperatures drop, then the extreme cold can damage the laptop battery, destroying the hard drive. Also, it can prevent the screen from displaying the content.
Most of the laptops work within a certain temperature range, between 50 and 95 Fahrenheit. Remember that, this temperature range is not only referred to the outer parts of the laptop but also applicable for the internal parts of the laptop.
Your laptop is part of a huge investment, hence it’s essential to protect your device from the cold temperature. Fortunately, the experts of Laptop Repair Dubai have discussed some pocket-friendly tips that will surely make the task easy for you.
Why you should Protect the Laptop from Extreme Cold?
As said earlier, most of the modern laptops are designed to work between 50 and 95 Fahrenheit. Now, if the temperature drops, then it can completely destroy the hard drive. Apart from this, extremely low temperatures can reduce battery life. Like, in the winter season, the low temperature will slow down the eclectic currents of the battery and at a quick rate, the battery will release the charge. Fortunately, here the experts associated with Laptop Repair Dubai provides some effective tips that will surely sort out your problem.
Quick Tips to Protect your Laptop During the Winter
The best way to protect your laptop from the cold weather is whenever you need to travel, put your laptop within a case. Hence, professionals of the Laptop Repair Dubai, suggest you choose a case with insulation and padding in order to deal with the cold.
Apart from this, there are some other tactics that you can try in order to protect your laptop from the cold season. Let’s see:
Avoid Storing the Laptop in the cold surrounding
Whenever possible, try to store your laptop in temperature-controlled climates. Don’t ever keep your laptop in your car or any other place where the temperature is extremely cold. As, if you leave your laptop in an extremely cold place, then the display can be damaged, as well as the crystal display could freeze. Though this can’t completely damage the laptop screen. However, after that, if you continuously use your laptop for 4 to 5 hours, then the screen can be ruined.
Give your Laptop some time to Warm Up
Now, in case, the laptop is in a cold environment and you bring it to a bit warmer area, then don’t instantly press the Power button and turn it on. Wait for at least 15 to 20 minutes and allow your laptop to adjust with the current temperature. Keep in mind, don’t try to warm up the laptop on your own. You just sit, relax and wait for a few minutes. If you try to warm up the laptop too quickly, this can destroy the display, as well as other hardware equipment.
Purchase a Ruggedized Laptop
Sometimes for an extended period of time, you might have to use the laptop outside in the cold temperature. In such a scenario, our experts advise you to purchase a ruggedized laptop. However, ruggedized laptops are a little bit of expensive, but these laptops are specifically designed to work under extremely low temperatures.
Apart from this, experts also suggest not to use your laptop while it’s in the bag or in a case. Besides, in order to prevent the hard drive from shutting down, you must change the power setting of your laptop. Always remember, the longer, you can run your laptop, the longer it will stay warmer as after turning on, the laptop generates its own heat.
Try to Avoid Damages
In order to avoid some common damages, it’s highly recommended that you must completely power off your laptop. And, don’t put it into sleeping mode. As, if your laptop is in the sleeping mode, then still the hard drive will be running. Any wrong step can corrupt the hard drive, as well as data loss situations, can occur. If you by chance leave your laptop in the cold place, don’t immediately turn it on, as the internal wires could break and the screen can become non-functional.
In today’s world laptop has become an essential part of our daily lives- especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hope, with these top 4 techniques, you can protect your laptop from extreme cold and during the upcoming winter season. However, if at any point, you need help or anything goes wrong with your laptop, then simply book a service from Urban Clap associated with the Laptop Repair Dubai and hire a professional.