How to Copy and Paste on Mac: Easy Steps

On a Mac, you may need to move text or images from one place to another. The process unfolds with simplicity. But the key combinations are different from those of a Windows PC. You may already be familiar with how to copy and paste on Mac. This article is very helpful for new Mac users. This guide explains beyond the usual methods, how to copy and paste between devices. It also shows how to paste and match styles. So, go through this article thoroughly and find out more.

The Process of Copy and Paste on Mac

The standard procedure of copying and pasting on Mac uses some different key combinations from that of Windows PC. Follow these steps to copy and paste any text or image quickly and effectively on Mac.

  1. Drag your pointer over text or an object to highlight it.
  2. Now, you have two options: either to copy or to cut. While Copy will leave the text or object in its place, Cut will remove it from there.
  3. Use Cmd + C to copy and Cmd + X to cut.
  4. Now, navigate to the location where you want to paste the copied text, place the cursor there, and press Cmd + V to paste it there.

Alternative Way of Copying and Pasting on Mac

The key combo above is the most common way to copy and paste on Mac. But there is an alternative method. Highlight the text or object that you wish to copy. Right-click the selected text and choose Copy, Cut or Paste.

Procedure to Paste and Match Style

Text transferred between documents with different formats retains its source styling. This can make the text look odd due to the different styles. To avoid this, you can follow a simple procedure.

Copy or cut as usual by using the Cmd + C or Cmd + X key combinations. Now, while pasting, instead of using Cmd+V, you can just go to the dropdown menu in Edit and select ‘Paste and Match Style’. This process will make the pasted document follow the formatting of where it is being pasted.

How to copy text and paste it on a Mac without style formatting

Copying and pasting text formats (font size, font, etc.) is saved by default when you copy and paste. This can be annoying if you have a document with different formatting.

You can usually avoid pasting text that has been formatted before. You will need to use the Shift key.

Use these steps to copy text from a Mac without formatting:

  1. Copy the text by selecting it.

  2. To copy or cut the command+C, press the command+X.

  3. Click on the place where you would like to insert the text.

  4. Press Shift+Command+V.

How to Copy and Paste Between Devices?

You may copy and paste data in and out between the Mac and iOS Global Clipboards. Data can be copied from the Mac to the iPhone and vice versa. Copy from your iPhone, then paste it on Mac. This feature can be enabled on both devices. You simply highlight the text, select Copy, then open the folder on your Mac to which you wish to paste it and hit Cmd+V. The operation may take a few seconds to complete, or even 3-5, depending on the circumstances.

For copying and pasting between devices, make sure that:

  • Both devices are signed to the same iCloud account.
  • Both devices have Bluetooth and WiFi turned on.
  • On the install Mac device, open System Preferences>General. Near the bottom of the menu, you’ll see an option named ‘Allow Handoff between this Mac and your iCloud devices’. Check the box next to it.
  • On the iOS device, go to Settings>General>Handoff. You should see a green slider for Handoff.


On a Mac, copying and pasting is easy. On a Mac, you can utilize the same shortcut keys as in Windows to copy and paste. To copy, press Command+C; to cut, press Command+X; to paste, press Command+V. You can use it to transport any Mac object, including text fragments, images, movies, and music. if you facing this problem. You can easily visit our Mac repair service center in Dubai. Their professional team solve your problem with no more waiting time.


  1. How to take a screenshot on Mac?

Use the key combination Command + Shift + 3 to take a snapshot of the entire screen.

  1. How to Cut and Paste in Finder?

Moving files in Finder is easy. First, select the files that you want to copy. Next, press Cmd+C to copy. Then, press Cmd+Option+V to paste the files in the current folder.

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