IT Consultancy: Why You Can’t Do Without it

IT consultancy

Information technology is the core infrastructure of commercial activities, affecting companies dealing with production, services, and professional studios. It serves as the skeleton for specific operations in a company. Structured companies often have dedicated IT departments, involving specialists in digitized information, creating a network of cooperation and integration.

Smaller companies may instead have a single IT technician available.  Who must independently carry out horizontal supervision of the various needs of the activity. Finally, there are companies that do not have specialists within them who can take care of the IT infrastructure. In these situations, it is essential for the company to identify external support for IT consultancy .

In the IT sector, companies often rely on specialized professionals for problem resolution, system installation, and maintenance. This creates a trusting relationship between the company and the specialists, ensuring transparency and support for various types of consultancy. IT consultancy covers hardware selection, software creation, and managing complex projects. Security is a strategic aspect for companies.

Below is a summary to help you read:

  1. IT consultancy: why you can’t do without it
  2. IT consultancy for structured companies
  3. The different types of IT consulting
  4. Computer network implementation
  5. Creation of specific software
  6. Cyber ​​security
  7. Choice of hardware for the best IT infrastructure
  8. Choice of software and licensing consolidation
  9. GDPR – Data protection regulation
  10. Disaster recovery systems
  11. On-premise / cloud strategy
  12. IT vendor evaluation
  13. The cost of IT consulting
  14. IT consultancy in Dubai and its province

IT consultancy for structured companies

The consulting in the field can also be a resource useful for companies that have structured their own internal IT department. In fact, there are many skills in the field of digitized information and it is difficult to cover them all. In addition, there are complex projects that need a sort of “extraordinary management”, regardless of the aspects most related to daily operations.

The different types of IT consulting

Some typical areas of IT consultancy can be distinguished. These are separate fields which present many definitions within them and at the same time are connected to each other.

Computer network implementation

The implementation of the IT network is an activity in great demand for technicians who work as consultants. IT has infiltrated every area thanks to the versatile power of networks. In fact, computers can be connected to each other to share different types of resources, software or hardware.

Networks are divided into client / server networks and peer to peer networks . In client / server networks, a computer functions as a server for a certain number of clients, that is, a certain number of other computers that use resources present on the server machine. On the contrary, in peer to peer networks. The various computers connected to each other can function as servers or clients. In English the term “peer” means “similar, equal, companion”, precisely to indicate how in the networks so called the different machines are equivalent in assuming the two different functions.

The networks can be local (LAN, Local Area Network), as they are typically corporate, also called Intranet. Or they are public, such as the Internet, where operators in the sector offer telecommunications services based on market rules.

The different computer networks are also distinguished by the communication protocols and associated software that make the functionality of the connection possible.

Creation of specific software

Carrying out consultancy in the IT sector also means designing and implementing specific software , built on the basis of the company’s needs. There are standardized programs for activities common to all types of business. Which companies can purchase and use independently, without particular difficulties.

An example is constituted by all those programs that meet the need to carry out normal office automation activities. Such as writing a document, creating databases, making calculations, making presentations.

The processes that are typical of a business’s activity, unique to its industry, and connected to the uniqueness of its offering, set it distinct. Pre-packaged programs cannot be used to implement and solve certain utterly distinctive processes. Because of this, technicians are frequently asked to create software that supports a certain activity of the business, carrying out specified activities in a manner consistent with the particular process that the customer has indicated.

Cyber ​​security

Cyber ​​security services includes all the measures and means necessary to maintain the integrity of the IT systems and the availability and confidentiality of the information contained therein. In fact, data and information are resources that must be safeguarded from cyber threats and possible malfunctions. Currently, the issue of information authenticity is also part of the great world of IT security.

The IT security consultant must be aware of the technical, legal, organizational and human implications that make the topic complex and delicate. To establish the most appropriate actions to deal with the risk of cyber-attacks. It is necessary to assess threats, vulnerabilities and risks in advance.

 Choice of hardware for the best IT infrastructure

IT consultancy is also carried out as a support for choosing the best IT infrastructure for the client company, therefore in identifying the most suitable hardware for the specific activity of the company. The aim is to guarantee efficiency and savings, to make procedures faster and more precise.

Urban Clap IT specialized technicians can provide valuable help in identifying the best HP servers and computers at advantageous prices in order to obtain the highest performance and at the same time keep costs down.

Choice of software and licensing consolidation

Even finding the right software for your company’s business can be a non-trivial challenge. The role of consultancy in the IT sector requires that close supervision be carried out on the programs that must function adequately to make the company’s activities fast and effective.

The management of the license park also involves commitment and attention by technicians, also in cooperation with the IT security consultant. Who is able to give all the information and suggestions necessary to obtain the best protection against cyber threats.

GDPR – Data protection regulation

The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in force since 25 May 2018. Adopted by the European Commission on 27 April 2016 and published in the European Official Journal on 4 May 2016.

The GDPR text refers to the export of personal data of residents in the territory of the European Union outside its borders. It prescribes specific obligations for data controllers, even for those based outside the states of the European Union. Who however manage information about its citizens.

The legislation included in the GDPR brings uniformity in all the countries of the European Union in the field of privacy. The main objectives of this new legislative instrument are regulatory simplification at international level and the establishment of rules that allow citizens to exercise greater control over the use of their data.

Information technology represents the sector most affected by the prescriptions of the GDPR prescriptions. So the different types of IT consultancy must complement each other to achieve a valid integration capable of meeting all the requirements of the GDPR. In this scenario, a key role is played by the IT security consultant . The GDPR legislation prescribes that the responsibility of IT security is divided between an internal figure in the company and a specialist. Who can be part of the company that provides the technical assistance service.

Disaster recovery systems

Disaster recovery systems fall into the vast field of cyber security. These are all the technological, logistical and organizational measures that are place in place to restore data, systems and infrastructures intended for the provision of services for businesses. That is, to support the activities carried out by companies.

On-premise / cloud strategy

Information technology consultancy is also a useful resource for establishing whether to set up an on-premises infrastructure or in cloud computing.

In English the expression “on premise” is opposed to “off premise” and literally means “in the building”, “in the office”, while the second phrase stands for “out of office”. The on-premise infrastructure provides that hardware and software are located in the company’s offices. In this case you can choose to use a private cloud.

The cloud computing is one of the most popular in the world of trends. But it is not always the right solution. We can talk about cloud computing whenever an external data storage system is used. The advantages of the cloud computer are the simplicity of its operation and savings. In fact, it is a “pay per use” service, that is, you pay for what is actually used.

cloud computing

Three Types of Cloud Computing: Key Insights

SaaS (Software as a Service)

Cloud computing defined as “Sotware asa Service” consists in the use of software installed on a remote server.

PaaS (Platform as a Service)

As the name of this form of cloud computing suggests, “Platform as a Service”, in this case the client company is provided with a processing platform . The advantage of PaaS is particular by the freedom of use of the various company applications. And without the burden of purchasing, configuring and managing the basic hardware and software.

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)

It is defined as “infrastructure distributed as a service”, the IAAS is a computing infrastructure made available to the customer via the Internet. Thanks to this type of cloud computing, the company can use hardware resources remotely.

IT vendor evaluation

A consultancy service in the IT sector also includes a careful selection of hardware and software suppliers to identify the products that can best meet the needs of the company.

For example, Urban Clap IT specialists can advise and direct you on the purchase of the best HP servers and computers at affordable prices .

The Cost of IT Consulting: What to Expect

The cost of IT consultancy varies according to the activity requested, its complexity. The time needed to deal with it and complete it. The way in which advice is provided can also affect the final price. In fact, if a technician goes directly to the client company headquarters. The costs of the move must also be deliberate and consequently the final expense will be higher.

Another factor that must be check out in evaluating the cost of IT consultancy is the level of customization of the services offered to the customer. The need to create specific software and platforms for particular operations influences the price of the service.

Urban Clap IT: IT consultancy in Dubai and its province

Urban Clap IT is a company that specializes in providing IT consulting and office machine rentals.

in Dubai. The Urban Clap IT technicians are Develop and Sharp certified and periodically follow refresher courses. That make them competent on all the most advanced technological possibilities.

The technical assistance of Urban Clap IT guarantees the intervention of its specialists within eight working hours and remote support during office hours.

Urban Clap IT proposals are plan on the basis of the specific requests of the client company to guarantee efficiency, quality and savings.

For more information on the possibilities offered by Urban Clap IT click here .

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