How to avoid Mistakes You Should Not Make in Guest Blogging

Mistakes are always scary. When you make them you don’t know about it but by the time you get to know about them; they have already done the harm. Certainly you have to be sure about your tasks and only then you can work in an effective and professional manner. If there are mistakes, there would be downfalls too. Mistakes are harmful in all the areas and guest posting is no exception.

One thing that you can do to ensure that you do no mistakes in your posts is you take help of guest posting services in India. Once you have professionals to help you and take your tasks in their hands; you would not have to panic about anyone. However, if you are planning to take care of your guest blogging tasks and posts yourself then too its fine. You have to be tactful, extra alert and really careful about what you are doing and how you are doing it.

It is true that guest blogging can cater you a variety of awesome benefits. Yes it can do wonders for your search engine optimization and it is certainly a great way to get exposed to a brand new and fresh audience. Of course it is also a fact that it helps you in improving your thought leadership, and much better establishes you as a professional in your industry.Having said it all, to get your guest posts accepted by and published on the different or specific blogs of others is no convenient feat. As a guest blogger, you have to have the good skill sets of a public relations professional, an SEO expert, and certainly a blogger, so as to be successful. It is needless to say that you have to wear multiple caps.

For your help, have a look at the mistakes guest bloggers commonly make when pitching, strategizing,  and writing guest blog posts — so you can evade them and enhance your chances of getting successful at guest blogging.

Mistakes you should definitely avoid

To Have No Strategy

It is certainly your first big mistake. Guest blogging, like any other type of marketing method, has to be strategic. Before you start trying to upgrade your guest blogging efforts, make sure you form a strategy that endorses your goals for guest blogging.   It simply means that you would need to define your aims. Are you putting efforts to rank in search for a specific keyword? Then your strategy must probably involve forming content that permits you to work in that keyword and then getting published on blogs that provide and already rank for that specific topic. Are you hoping to get in front of a fresh set of audience? Then you most likely want to identify blogs whose readers or audience is appropriate for your business, but different than that of the readers you have on your blog.

Which blogs are you targeting?

Most of the guest bloggers do this as an outcome of having a poorly made or no guest blogging strategy. Once you have hardened your guest blogging strategy, you can then recognize the right blogs to target. This is something that would involve a bit of research.  For example, as it has already been said, if your strategy includes improving your search engine rankings for specific keywords, then your strategy has to involve creating content around those specific keywords and targeting blogs that are going to cover that topic on their blog and rank for those specific keywords.  In such a case, you might want to do some Google searches for the keywords so as to identify blogs that you should be aiming. In case your strategy involves getting in front of a fresh audience, then you should conduct some research to recognize blogs that cater to an audience that is different from the types of people your own blog characteristically fascinates.

Are you keeping a note of your blog outreach record?

To be unable to keep a record of your blogger outreach, mainly if you are investing a lot of  effort  and time into guest blogging and are communicating with manifold blog managers, is bad news. If you keep outreach records, it would help you in managing your communications, help to stay on top of your progress, and of course avert careless mistakes such as reaching out to the same blogger two times with the same kind of pitch.  You have to be really thoughtful and attentive about all these things or you would fail adversely.

Grammatical and other mistakes in your pitches

In case you cannot even craft a professional sounding and grammatically right pitch about the blog post you want published, why should the blog manager you are actually pitching think your blog post is going to be any better? It is important that you spend some time on your pitches.  Of course, you have to proofread them.  Remember for a blog manager who is assessing a guest blog post from you, your email pitch is going to be a writing sample. Make sure it is the characteristic of the quality of your blogging. Of course, what is the point if you send a pitch to the people and it is full of errors and mistakes? That would be like an egg in your face. Nobody would like to allow any guest blogger who is not even good at their pitch itself.

What do you suggest?

If you are suggesting a blog post related to a topic or angle that the blog has covered already in the past is a sure way to get rejection a guest blogging opportunity.  It is important that you carry out an effective research about the blog you are pitching so you can actually propose an original and unique article that adds value. The finest way is to search on Google and find out if the specific website has already talked about the specific topic or not.

So, if you have taken up guest posting service for your posts that is one thing; but if you are doing it all yourself then these discussed points should be on your priority list so that you can avoid the mistakes. Apart from guest posting services urban clap will also providing the Raid Data Recovery in Dubai at very affordable price.


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